Bonnie Brae Links

This page is under construction as I add in more links and more categories of links.
Other Bonnie Brae School sites
More Bonnie Brae Alumni
- Listen to the Jack Butler Band on
Other Bonnie Brae Highland Games sites
- Ernst Robert Barenschee's PhotoPoint pages of the 1999 Bonnie Brae Games
- Walkin' Tom's Folk Guide includes Scots and Irish Festivals in the US
- East of the Hebrides Entertainments puts on the Bonnie Brae Highland Games as well as other Scots, Irish, and Celtic festivals in the Northeastern United States. They also promote a number of the artists that perform at these festivals.
- Golf Event Management manages the annual Bonnie Brae Tartan Golf & Tennis Classic
- Harpist Debbie Brewin-Wilson
- The Highland Magic of Rob Roy, Scottish Magician Dressed in historical attire, magician and storyteller Ed White entertains young and old alike
- Barry the Hat, Internet radio host whose program showcases Irish performers and the Irish origins of American music
- Hadrian's Wall
Highland Dancing Competition
- Felicia Maloney, Dancing Teacher
Pipe and Drum Competition
Highland Games
- Members of the New Jersey Triumph Association show off their vintage automobiles
- Garden State Bearded Collie Clan
- Garden State Golden Retriever Club, Inc.
- TheraPet, Inc. -- no site yet, but a worthy cause.
- Plainfield, New Jersey Curling Club
- Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia, reenactors of ancient and medieval battles
- Ann Stewart, Kiltmaker. Old-fashioned tailoring and individual attention make Ann one of the best (if not the best!) in the business.
- The Piper's Cove Scottish & Irish Imports. Bagpipes, souvenirs, jewelry, kilt rental
- Celtic Revival giftware, crafts, and jewelry
- Celtic Reflections -- "Your on-line source for Celtic shopping!"
- Von Süssen Enterprises -- exhibiting as "Celtic Cultures" -- swords, knives, jewelry, bodhrans, home furnishings in addition to their usual armor.
- Dancing Pig Pottery -- handmade pottery and accessories
- Thomas Patrick Hanlon Watercolors -- home of the "Own Your Own®" Pub, B&B, and other fine locations
Clans, Family Associations, and Scottish Heritage Groups
Exhibiting (current and previous years):
- Bucks County Scottish American Society (BCSAS)
- New York Caledonian Club
- Scottish District Families Association
- Clan Anderson
- Clan Blair
- Clan Buchanan
- Clan Cameron, Mid-Atlantic Chapter
- Campbells of New York City
- Clan Currie
- Clan Donald USA
- Clan MacDougall Society of North America, Mid-Atlantic Region
- Clan Douglas of North America
- Clan Fergusson Society of North America
- Clan MacGillivray
- Clan Graham
- Clan Gregor Society, New England Chapter
- Clan Guthrie
- Clan Henderson Society of the United States and Canada
- Clan Keith
- Clan MacLachlan Society
- Clan Lamont
- Clan Leslie
- Clan Lindsay
- Clan MacMillan
- Clan Murray
- Clan Macneil Association of America
- Clan Macpherson Association, United States Branch
- Clan Ross
- Clan Gregor
- Clan Donald Centre, Scotland
The Bonnie Brae School is listed as a provider of mental-health, substance-abuse, and special education services in the following directories:
- United Way of Burlington County, Human Services Directory (1997)
- First Call
Webmaster's Choice
These have no direct link to the Bonnie Brae Games, but...
- Electric Scotland -- a conglomeration of Scots news, language, and culture
- U. S. Scots: A Resource for the Scottish-American Community
- The Clans and Tartans of Scotland (yes, the site's title includes the partial URL)
- Every Thing Celtic on the Web (Scottish/Scotland)
- Every Thing Celtic on the Web (US)
Linking to this site
If you maintain a Bonnie Brae School site, or a site of interest to the Scottish-American community, and wish to link to this site, please link to the main page: and e-mail me so I can set up a reciprocal link. (NOTE: Tripod's service is case-sensitive.)
Web Rings and Other Related Sites
The following Web rings and related links will bring you to other sites with similar offerings:
Photos on these pages copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Brenda F. Bell.
This Bonnie Brae site owned, operated, and copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by Brenda F. Bell.
people have visited this site since July 25, 1999.
This Bonnie Brae Highland Games site copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Brenda F. Bell.
Last updated 10 June, 2001.