1999 Bonnie Brae Scottish Festival
Highland Games
June 5, 1999 at the Bonnie Brae School, Liberty Corners, NJ
This is the eighth year Frank and I have attended these games, volunteering through Telcordia Technologies' chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America. The following pages present a few scenes from this year's festival.
The Games
As a volunteer, I spent most of the morning manning the children's Sand Art table, so I don't have photos of the individual piping competition; in addition, I only have photos of the beginning rounds of the dancing competition, and only a few photos of the heavy athletics. There's really so much to do that it's almost impossible for one person to get to everything...
Most of the photos on these pages were taken with a Kodak Digital Science DC-120 camera at highest resolution, processed with MGI's Photo Suite II software, and saved in .jpeg format. The remaining photos were taken on my Konica FT-1 35mm SLR camera with ZYKKOR MC Auto 135/2.8-22 and 200/3.3-16 lenses, using Kodak Max 800 print film (my usual favorite for shooting film; it has absolutely incredible latitude!), Seattle FilmWorks ISO 200 film, and Konica VX-100 print film.

- I am an amateur photographer and have not been compensated by the Bonnie Brae School, East of the Hebrides Entertainments, or any of the vendors, sponsors, participants, or judges of these games, nor by any of the attendees. These photos and this site are my art and craft, and I retain and reserve all rights to them to the degree that they are protected under United States and International intellectual property laws. I publish this work to the World Wide Web as a way of sharing my enjoyment of these Games with friends who are too far away to attend, and my memories with those who have attended and participated in the Festival and Games. If by some small measure, my photographs inspire others to attend the Games or to otherwise contribute to the Bonnie Brae School, I will have done my little bit of help for the day.
- I do not have photo releases from the subjects of these photos, so please DO NOT copy them or link to them without my knowledge and permission.
- If you find you recognize yourself, your child, or your band in these photos and would like a better copy, please contact me -- similarly, if you wish your image or that of your child removed from this site. Also, if you are associated with publicity and/or public relations for the Bonnie Brae School or East of the Hebrides Entertainments (the promotion that puts on these games and would like better copies of these photos, please contact me.
If you maintain a Bonnie Brae School site and wish to link to this site, please link to the main page: https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/Bonnie_Brae/ and e-mail me so I can set up a reciprocal link. (NOTE: Tripod's service is case-sensitive.)
Photos on these pages copyright 1998, 1999 Brenda F. Bell.
This Bonnie Brae site owned, operated, and copyright 1998, 1999 by Brenda F. Bell.
people have visited this site since July 25, 1999.
Last updated 25 July 1999.