Bonnie Brae Highland Games and Scottish Festival

at the

Bonnie Brae School, Millington, NJ

June 3, 2000

On this page are photos taken at the 2000 Bonnie Brae Highland Games, produced and run by East of the Hebrides Entertainments for the Bonnie Brae School (official Bonnie Brae site still under construction). To see a larger version, click on the photo or on the caption beneath it.

This was the ninth year Frank and I have attended these games, volunteering through Telcordia Technologies' chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America.

My apologies to any and all who have been waiting for almost a year for these photos to appear. Because these are so late, I don't expect to do anything more with them than to correct errors.

Stay tuned for photos from the 2001 Games. Hopefully it won't take me a year to get them up!


Brenda Bell, site owner

Dancers Practicing

Dancers Practicing

more dancers

Dancers Practicing

 Bob Devine?

Bob Devine

Triumph car

One of the New Jersey Triumphs

Doreen Cook, volunteer

Doreen Cook, volunteer

Nancy and Nancy

Nancy and Nancy at the Info Tent

a yellow Triumph car

Another Triumph rolls in

Pony cart, driver, and potential patrons

Pony Rides

Highland Dancers

Dance Competition

Edward J. White as "Rob Roy, Scottish Magician"

"Rob Roy", Magician

another photo of Ed White as "Rob Roy"

"Rob Roy"

Christine Harrison, playing guitar and singing

Christine Harrison

professional singer playing guitar

Another fine musician

individual piper and judge

Individual Piping Competition

Preparing for Pipe Band Competition

Alex Daniels, Goffstown, NY

Drum Major Alex Daniels

Ted Osborne and son

Ted Osborne and Son

Ceol Neamh Heaven's Music Pipe BandAnother competing pipe band

members of Montgomery County Police Department Pipe Band

More pipe band prep...

Historical Reenactors napping on the ground

1742 Encampment

Loch Leven Dancers with Banner

Loch Leven Country Dancers

Emerald Isle Step Dancers performing

Emerald Isle Step Dancers

Emerald Isle Step Dancers

Emerald Isle Step Dancers

the Massed Bands march in for opening ceremonies

Massed Band Entrance

bands and people at opening ceremonies

Opening Ceremonies

side view of the massed bands marching

Massed Pipe Bands

more Opening Ceremonies

photo of Clan Fergusson Tent

Clan Fergusson Tent

Sheep Herding Exhibition

sheep dog herding sheep

More sheep herding...

sheaf about to clear bar

Sheaf Toss competition

Debbie Brewin-Wilson and associate

Debbie Brewin-Wilson

Debbie Brewin-Wilson playing the harp

Debbie playing the harp

bearded collie and human family

Garden State Bearded Collie Clan booth

retrieving the caber for the next throw

Caber Retrieval Squad

caber landing

Caber Toss competition

the caber lands again

Caber Toss competition

tossing the caber

Tossing the caber

Tossing the weight

Weight Toss competition

massed bands marching across field

Massed Bands at Closing Ceremonies

1742 Encampment honor squad

1742 Encampment "Black Watch"

massed bands at closing ceremonies

more massed bands

massed bands leaving the field

Ceremony's End

"Black Watch" leave the field after closing ceremonies

Day is done: last guards leave the field


If you maintain a Bonnie Brae School site and wish to link to this site, please link to the main page: and e-mail me so I can set up a reciprocal link. (NOTE: Tripod's service is case-sensitive.)

View photos from the 1999 Bonnie Brae Highland Games

View photos from the 1998 Bonnie Brae Highland Games

Photos on these pages copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Brenda F. Bell.
This Bonnie Brae site owned, operated, and copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by Brenda F. Bell.

Nedstat Counter people have visited this site since July 25, 1999.

Last updated 2 June 2001.